Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Open Me

Shawn McDonald: Open Me

A friend of mine yesterday told me grab a box of tissues and to check this video out. I didn't grab the tissues but I did check out the video. I didn't need the tissue but the song has playing on a loop ever since I got it. The message brought out by the song just left me staring at the computer wanting to hear more and more. If you have never heard about Shawn McDonald, me and him have a pretty similar background. When he was younger he would sneak out of his grandparents house and go party late at night. He would drink alcohol to the point of heavy intoxication. He also started doing drugs, which later led to him selling drugs. After get into trouble with the law his grandma and best friend really reached out to him, inviting him to go to church with them. Though he never went he did decide to one day pick up the Bible that his grandmother had given him and started to read. He read about getting rid of the "demons" in our lives and realized that the demons in his life were his drugs and he got rid of them. A couple days later the police came to search his house for drugs but didn't find any. What a miracle. Now Shawn is a extremely well known Christian song-writer and singer and he using his past as a way to reach out to people now.
The song "Open Me" is more of prayer than a regular song. He asking God to open up his eyes, ears, mouth, and mind so that he could serve God better. So many times we can forget what God has called us to do. His calling of going out into the world and make disciples for his name. Some people think that means going door to door at people homes, or standing in the freezing cold handing out tracks. Now those aren't bad things. Not everyone is comfortable doing that type of thing. But the thing we all can do, and what we are commanded to is said in (John 13: 34-35). "A new commandment I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." In this hectic season of Christmas, its not about getting the new PS3 or the new Xbox. Its about Jesus' birth, and how he came in such bare conditions, outside in a cave in an animals feeding trough. Christmas is about showing one another the love that God had for us by giving us his son Jesus. I urge you this holiday season to everyday find a way that you can show love to someone. Say this everyday when you wake up "Open me Lord so that I can serve you".

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